Early variety: from germination to milk ripeness 40-50 days, to seed ripening - 90-110 days.
The plant is 75-100 cm high, with few branches. On one shoot it forms up to 10 pods 24-26 cm long.
The beans are fleshy, tender, juicy, creamy white. In terms of caloric content, bean seeds exceed potatoes by 3 times.
Beans and seeds at the milk ripeness stage are used for canning, freezing and in cooking.
Sowing time: May.
Planting method: open ground.
Harvesting: July, August.
To ensure that the harvest is received for a long time, sowing is carried out in several stages. Harvesting begins depending on the purpose of the product: if the fruits are intended for use as food whole (grains with valves), they are harvested when the valves are juicy and the grains reach 1 cm in diameter.
If the grown grains are to be eaten raw, then the beans are harvested when the seeds are in the milky ripeness phase and have reached the maximum size for the variety.
The crop is harvested in 3-4 stages at intervals of 8-10 days. The beans are broken out by hand, trying not to damage the plant. The yield of unripe beans is on average about 1 kg, and unripe grains - 0.4 kg per 1 sq. m.
If the crop is harvested once, then all the plants can be cut (or pulled out by the roots), tied into sheaves and dried well. After drying the plants, the beans are separated and threshed. Then dry them and store them in a dry, dark place in linen bags or paper bags.
The seeds have a high nutritional value and contain a large amount of albumin. Unripe seeds are also suitable for freezing.
* Weight of 1000 seeds = 1500 g.
* Number of seeds in 1 g = 1-3.
Beans grow well on loamy, clayey, slightly acidic soils with sufficient moisture.
The best predecessors of beans are cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin and various root crops.
The soil for beans is dug up in the fall to the depth of a bayonet shovel. Humus and mineral fertilizers are added. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water for 2-4 hours.
Then the seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of 6-8 cm in strips with a distance of 50-60 cm between strips and 25-30 cm between rows in a strip.
The distance between plants in a row is 3-5 cm.
Further care of the plants consists of loosening, regular fertilizing, light hilling and watering in dry weather.
At the beginning of mass flowering, the tops of the shoots are cut off. This promotes uniform ripening of the beans and is a means of combating black bean aphids.
Beans are harvested in several stages: at the stage of milk ripeness of the grain, and fully ripened beans are collected for winter consumption.
Green beans contain a lot of vitamin B, PP, carotene (up to 2.5%).